Our Schools

Rekindle began in Manchester and we have a stunning Grade II listed building as our home. Our building is of huge heritage significance within the local community and has always been a space for fierce critical thinking and a haven for activists fighting for a fairer future.

Standing on the shoulders of community giants

In 1980, Kath Locke and Elouise Edwards, with many others, founded the Abasindi Co-operative, a self-help women’s organisation for Black women in Manchester. The centre included a drop-in centre for the elderly and also offered a Saturday school focusing on traditional curriculum areas and Black history, Members of the Abasindi Co-operative were also very active in political campaigning. The co-operative became a hub of Afro-Caribbean cultural activities and was at the heart of many major social and cultural events within South Manchester.

We’re proud to call this our first home and walk on the shoulders of the community giants who have inspired our journey.

A Soulful Sanctuary

Rekindle definition: to excite, stir up, or rouse anew

Rekindle School exists to reconnect young people with a love of learning, at their own pace, in a safe and trusted environment.

‘Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire’ — William Butler Yates.

Future Schools

We have a number of new schools under development – watch this space for more details as the schools come to life and open over the next two years.

Rekindle Scotland

We have been successful in our application to The Roberstson’s Trust in Scotland, to embark on an 18 month programme of consultation, development and; with the aim of creating our first Rekindle School north of the border.

Rekindle Tulse Hill, London

Rekindle is proud and excited to be partnering with Oasis Charitable Trust to create a future provision for the stunning St Martins in the Field building in Tulse Hill, South London. We plan to work alongside a committed local group of young people to design the bespoke curriculum for their community and to employ local educators to run the school from Summer 2024

Word on the street

She has wonderful comments about the teaching team and warm food. She spent one of the best summers in this country that I certainly would not have been able to afford. We are very grateful and looking forward to hearing about the next best Rekindle adventures.

Parent / Guardian of Rekindle Young Person

Much more active than normal school, you get to do things that you enjoy like making music and learning how to box.

Rekindle Young Person
Aged 13

Support us

By making a donation to Rekindle, you’ll be supporting the young people who attend the supplementary school.
