We’re building a Rekindle Educational Commons, where inspiration can be found, resources shared, strategies suggested, support given and where champions for disadvantaged young people can be given the platform they deserve.
The commons can be defined as collective management of the ‘dimensions and aspects of our lives that we share and depend on, and that we, in turn, care for and cultivate together’ (Haiven, 2017).
There are five pillars of our Commons and we need brilliant people from each of these:
Young People, Educators, Families, Academics and Elders.
All are welcome to become a part of our education conversation and to contribute to the changes that are needed. Please do get in touch if you’d like to know more or to become one of our first pioneers.
The core and heart of why we’re doing what we’re doing:
A pivotal and powerful force for change without whom we can’t succeed:
Your young people thrive with your input and we grow with your insight:
Those who provide us with the evidence-based reflection and critical thinking we need to make our work truly impactful:
By making a donation to Rekindle, you’ll be supporting the young people who attend the supplementary school.