Why Rekindle
Rekindle was born in response to the evident failure of our state school system to capture young peoples’ interests, nurture their abilities or offer holistic creative curriculums.
Successive government spending cuts on mainstream education have significantly impaired the ability of UK schools to provide for all students; the curriculum content is reduced to a success measured only through STEM subjects.
This year, government figures on absenteeism from schools is 140,000. This refers to those young people considered “severely absent”, 1 in 5. Currently, schools are not obliged to record the figures of those who have opted for homeschooling, estimated to be an additional 125,000 to 180,000.

Initial responses indicate a punitive approach towards resolution, resulting in one former headteacher, Vic Goddard, to comment ” If a child is not in school with a full belly, feeling safe and well equipped, it doesn’t matter what behaviour policy I have in place.”
Rekindle was established in South Manchester as a way of responding to the needs of young people who, having prospered and enjoyed their primary school experience, found that secondary school had a negative, even damaging effect on their self confidence and sense of wellbeing.

We provide free after school sessions for 11 to 15 year olds, four days a week in addition to school holiday sessions. Each session begins with a hot meal; our curriculum is designed by the young people and follows issues of expressed concern and interest.
We focus on Critical Thinking, Cultural Education, Changemaking and Creativity. Under this umbrella we examine life skills, budgeting, navigation of Social Media, cost of living crisis, develop an awareness and appreciation of multicultural contributions to our society.
We address the many contradictions, confusions and questions facing young people in the current social and political climate.
We also enjoy physical sport, podcasting, and outings of exploration and joy to alternative venues which provide additional food for thought and reflection.

Rekindle welcomes local working class young people who have a love of learning, and respond positively to the inclusivity and diversity they find in our safe space. Their successful achievements are building solid foundations not only for their futures but all our futures.